Kids mountain biking path off the path between the Manchester Rec Park and Riley Rink Manchester Rec Park path Manchester Town Green A stop at Starbucks Chiselville Covered Bridge on the Sunderland Hill Rd Early morning fog on the River Road in Sunderland The Equinox Hotel in Manchester Village Grocery shopping at Natures Market Lunch break at the Dorset Union Store Dorset West Rd in Dorse Local legend Wendy Cram on Wendy’s Way bike route in Manchester An April surprise on Depot Street in Manchester Center Union Street in Manchester Vermont Challengers climbing to Stratton Mountain West River Trail Winhall Brook Campground on West River Trail Chocolate stop in East Arlington River Road in Sunderland Dorset Route 153 West Pawlet Route 153 West Pawlet Manchester Dairy farm Dairy farm Manchester Manchester Manchester Manchester Robin Verner in Manchester Manchester Village Manchester Village In front of the Northshire Bookstore in Manchester Center Manchester Center, intersection of Main Street (Rt 7A) and Bonett Street (Rt 30 to Dorset) Main Street inManchester Center Main Street, in Manchester Center Main Street in Manchester Center Main Street, in Manchester Center Main Street in Manchester Center Manchester Manchester A May 2020 surprise for the tulips in front to the Taconic Hotel in Manchester The Humpheeys Trail is suited for mountain biking or walking Scenic overlook on the Humphreys Trail in Dorset Scenic overlook on the Humpreys Trail in Dorset Humphreys Trail in Dorset Along the River Walk at the Manchester Town Green Equinox Pond in Manchester Equinox Pond in Manchester At the Hildene in Manchester Riley Rink at Hunter Park in Manchester Amy’s picnic Table, Manchester Manchester Manchester Burr And Burton Academy on Prospect Street in Manchester Overlook Rd in Manchester Amy and Robin Verner at the Manchester Street Fair Manchester Street Fair 2019 Prospect St in Manchester Wind Hill Rd in Manchester Dorset Union Store Wind Hill Rd in Manchester The Peru Fair Hill Farm Inn on Hill Farm Rd in Arlington Hill Farm Rd in Arlington Kelley Stand Rd in East Arlington Kelley Stand Rd in East Arlington Kelley Stand Rd in East Arlington Ball Mountain Lake on the West River Trail near Jamaica, VT River Rd in Manchester Manchester Manchester Manchester Village Ye Olde Tavern – built in 1790 in Manchester Center The old carriage barn at Ye Olde Tavern in Manchester Center Historic house in Manchester Center Mamma and baby ducks in pond along Manchester Rec Park path between MEMS and the community garden Manchester Manchester Take a Kid Mountain Biking Event Stratton area